New technologies are allowing us to explore the brain as never before. We are entering a new era in neuroscience where our knowledge of the brain is beginning to match the urgent need to prevent and treat diseases of the brain.


Nature Biotechnology

More than just neurons: A new model for studying human brain inflammation

Neurons only make up half of the human brain. The other half is composed of approximately 85 billion cells called glia. The most common type of glial cells are astrocytes, which are important for supporting neuronal health and activity. Despite the abundance of astrocytes in the brain, most existing laboratory models of the human brain fail to include astrocytes at sufficient levels or at all, which limits the models’ utility for studying brain health and disease. Now, Professor Rusty Gage, postdoctoral researchers Lei Zhang and Meiyan Wang, and colleagues have created 3D organoids that mimic features of the human brain and contain mature, functional astrocytes. With this astrocyte-rich model, researchers will be able to study stress and inflammation in aging and Alzheimer’s disease with greater depth and clarity than ever before. Already, the researchers have used the new organoids to reveal a relationship between astrocyte dysfunction and inflammation. This allowed them to identify a potentially druggable target for disrupting that relationship in the aging brain.

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Redox Biology

Protecting brain cells with cannabinol

One in 10 individuals above the age of 65 develops an age-related neurological disorder like Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s, yet treatment options for those patients remain sparse. Scientists have begun exploring whether cannabinoids—compounds derived from the cannabis plant, like well-known THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (cannabidiol)—may offer a solution. A third, lesser-known cannabinoid called CBN (cannabinol) has recently piqued the interest of researchers, who have begun exploring the clinical potential of the milder, less psychoactive substance. In a recent study, Research Professor Pamela Maher, postdoctoral researcher Zhibin Liang, and colleagues explained how CBN protects the brain against aging and neurodegeneration, and used their findings to develop potential therapeutics.

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Neural Computation

Upgrading brain storage: Quantifying how much information our synapses can hold

Recalling each vocabulary word in a flashcard set faster with each flip through is evidence that our neural connections, called synapses, can grow stronger or weaker over time—a feature known as synaptic plasticity. Quantifying the dynamics of individual synapses can be a challenge for neuroscientists, but recent computational innovations from Professor Terrence Sejnowski, postdoctoral researcher Mohammad Samavat, and colleagues are changing that. To understand how the brain learns and retains information, scientists try to quantify how much stronger a synapse has gotten through learning, and how much stronger it can get. Synaptic strength can be measured by looking at the physical characteristics of synapses, but it is much more difficult to measure the precision of plasticity (whether synapses grow weaker or stronger by a consistent amount) and the amount of information a synapse can store. The new computational method can do all three, opening the door for new studies on human learning and memory and how those processes evolve or deteriorate with age or disease.

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Neuron identities differ with age and sex

The human brain’s message-sending neurons can behave differently with age. At the root of these changes are shifts in the regulation of neuronal genes—how and when these cellular instructions are read can change the identity of individual neurons. This in turn changes the ratio of different neuronal cell types in the brain. Research Professor Margarita Behrens, Professor Joseph Ecker, Salk colleagues, and collaborators at UC San Diego looked at human frontal cortexes from young adult and aged donors and found widespread age- and sex-related variation in neuronal cell types: both the amount and type of neuronal cells changed with age. Cells in older frontal cortexes expressed fewer genes involved in the active message-sending function of neurons but expressed more subtelomere genes, which help protect the ends of chromosomes from age-related damage. Their findings describe changes in gene regulation in the aging human brain with unprecedented detail. This will ultimately help researchers understand what happens to brain cells in both healthy aging and age-related diseases like Alzheimer’s.

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