In this issue
An Interview with Salk President Elizabeth Blackburn
When Jonas Salk announced the discovery of the polio vaccine in 1955, Elizabeth Blackburn was six years old and busy collecting…
Frontiers in Regenerative Medicine
When Juan Carlos Izpisua Belmonte and his team at Salk made global news headlines last fall for developing a technique for growing…
Next Gen
Next Gen: Zachary Katz
Zachary Katz is a visual person: from insect-devouring plants to bustling cells, he strives to see what happens in nature. While growing up in Arizona and then Florida, Katz and his brother gathered…
President’s Letter
We have tremendous possibilities in science right now, thanks to a convergence of a critical mass of deep knowledge with the emergence of powerful new technologies.
Elizabeth Blackburn
President, Salk Institute Irwin Jacobs Presidential Chair

Terrence Sejnowski Receives Coveted Neuroscience Prize
Terrence Sejnowski, professor and head of the Computational Neurobiology Laboratory and holder of the Francis Crick Chair, received the coveted Swartz Prize for Theoretical and Computational Neuroscience.

Evans Co-Leads First Pancreatic Cancer Research ‘Dream Team’
Salk scientist Ronald Evans is co-leading the pancreatic cancer dream team, made up of researchers from the United States and United Kingdom.

Beverly Emerson Named AAAS Fellow
Beverly Emerson, a professor in the Regulatory Biology Laboratory and holder of the Edwin K. Hunter Chair, was named a 2015 Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), the world’s largest general scientific society.

Reuben Shaw Named New Director of Salk Cancer Center
The Salk Institute has named Reuben Shaw as the new director of its National Cancer Institute-designated Cancer Center.

Sold-Out Crowd at Science & Music Series
Jazz legend Victor Goines and his quartet played to a sold-out crowd on January 24, 2016 for the third concert in the Salk Science & Music series.

SALKEXCELLERATORS revved into 2016
A talented trifecta of Salk cancer researchers—Geoffrey Wahl, Amy Rommel and Reuben Shaw (above, from left)—drew 75 attendees to the Salkexcellerators program in January at the Institute.

Cancer researcher Diana Hargreaves captivates Salk’s women and science event
Diana Hargreaves, assistant professor in Salk's Molecular and Cell Biology Laboratory, discussed the latest in cancer research at the Salk Women & Science event in December, in her talk, "Interior Remodeling for Cancer Defense."

Salk’s education outreach partners with steam leadership series
Salk's Education Outreach program welcomed 300 high school girls from the San Diego Unified School district for a Women in Biotech lecture on November 17, 2015.