Other Science
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Other Science

Nature Methods

New method to rapidly map the “social networks” of proteins

Professor Joseph Ecker and collaborators from UC San Diego developed a new high-throughput technique to determine which proteins in a cell interact with each other. Mapping this network of interactions, or “interactome,” has been slow going in the past because the number of interactions that could be tested at once was limited. The new approach, published June 26, 2017, in Nature Methods, lets researchers test millions of relationships between thousands of proteins in a single experiment.

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Nature Methods

Tilted microscopy technique better reveals protein structures

The conventional way of placing protein samples under an electron microscope during cryo-EM experiments may fall flat when it comes to getting the best picture of a protein’s structure. In some cases, tilting a sheet of frozen proteins—by anywhere from 10 to 50 degrees—as it lies under the microscope, gives higher quality data and could lead to a better understanding of a variety of diseases including influenza and HIV, according to new research led by Helmsley-Salk Fellow Dmitry Lyumkis. The work appeared in Nature Methods on July 3, 2017.

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